The Tunisian Hotel Federation (FTH) is an Independent National Trade Union which aims to the promotion of the hotel industry within the framework of the national economy. Its primary function is to promote and defend the Interests of its members. The Federation plays a positive role in developing business opportunities for its members by studying the main economic, technical, commercial, advertising, fiscal and legal questions which are generally related to all aspects of the hotel industry and makes recommendations and suggestions on these subjects to hoteliers and public authorities, tries to strengthen the ties of confraternity between members of the hotel sector, prevents and reconciles disagreement that may arise in the application of laws or regulations.
FTH represents its members in national and international organizations and ensures collaboration with these different bodies and defends the economic and social interests of its members and the whole Profession. The FTH also provides members with a wide range of services designed to keep them informed of industry issues and to help grow their business.
Tunisian Hotel federation includes over 450 hotels.