The Israel Incoming Tour Operators Association is a representative body in the field ofincoming tourism in Israel. Israel Incoming Tour Operators AssociationThe Association was founded in 1960 with the aim of workingtowards the development of Israel’s incoming tourism industry and has a membership ofapproximately one hundred companies and non-profit organizations.The Associationrepresents its members to governmental and public authorities, as well as other bodies inthe fields of aviation, hospitality,transport and tourist services. Millions of tourists visit Israel each year, with many of them coming via members of theIncoming Tour Operators Association. The members are agents who create package dealsto Israel and market them to their counterparts around the word. They operate in manydifferent sectors of the incoming tourism market, such as group tours,individual tours, youth groups, conferences, health and beauty tourism. They cover a wide geographicalspread around the world and contribute enormously to Israel and its economy, creatingjobs, adding to the country’s gross national product, and improving Israel’s image.At the head of the Incoming Tour Operators Association stands a comprehensivemanagement structure of nine companies headed by a chairman who is elected at ageneral meeting. The organization’s general manager, appointed by the association’smanagement, works towards advancing the enterprises of the Association and itsmembers.Within the Association, three committees operate: the Inspection Committee, Antiquities Committee and Initiatives Committee.