> > Season 1 >We need to perform more efficient cost control and strengthen cash flow management– GE Yujing

We need to perform more efficient cost control and strengthen cash flow management– GE Yujing


GE Yujing

Vice President


Q. Is your business affected by the recent outbreak of coronavirus? To what extent?


A. 95% of our business got suspended due to the outbreak. We are certainly under pressure of insufficient cash flow.

Q. According to your optimistic estimate, how long will it take for tourism to fully recover from the negative impact of the outbreak?


A. Business is likely to resume by the summer holiday season in August, creating a tourism boom for this year.

Q. What do you think is a key point that our industry must pay attention to when it recovers from the crisis? (Please pick only one)


A. The short-term imbalance between the high demand of travel in the summer season and relative shortage of tourism resources on the supply side.

Q. What change (positive or negative) do you think the outbreak may eventually bring to the tourism industry in the future?


A. (1) People will develop a deeper understanding about the vulnerability of tourism and be more prudent to invest in tourism. (2) Tourism enterprises will adopt stricter methods to control labor costs. (3) Consumers will be more appreciative of the freedom to travel and embrace tourism products of higher quality. The market will therefore gradually evolve and become less price-sensitive.

Q. Please share with us a story of your business in dealing with the crisis that others may draw experience from.


A. We need to perform more efficient cost control and strengthen cash flow management.