> > Season 3 >Tourism will continue to be one of the most important parts of people’s lives–Yanko Krastev

Tourism will continue to be one of the most important parts of people’s lives–Yanko Krastev



Yanko Krastev

General Manager of the Bulgaria Castle “In love with the wind”

Q1:If you are asked to remember 2020 with only one word or phrase what would it be? Why?
A: Chaos.
Because: “the weak loves order – the strong rules chaos”. Now it is absolutely visible who is strong.

Q2:Looking back at 2020 what do you think of the changes emerging in the tourism industry? Have you identified a new demand? What do you think the industry can do to meet such demand?
A: The tourism will continue to be one of the most important parts of people’s lives. Nothing can stop the dreams of the people. But for the big international tourism organizations, the leaders have to change the definition of “Sustainable Tourism”, because the pandemic crisis shows that the current rules are not working.

Q3:How do you define ‘New Normal’ in the context of travel and tourism?
A: The travel and tourism business has to pay more attention to the “alternative tourism” with emphasis on physical and mental health.

Q4:How can the tourism industry build on its core competitiveness to survive and thrive despite the downward pressure on travel in a post-pandemic world?
 A: Who loves his job – he will survive. Who is waiting to live and to work “as in the past” – no!

Q5:What are your expectations for 2021? If you are asked to describe  2021 with only one word or phrase what would it be? Why?
A: One word — Hope.
The hope that tourism business can finally “explain” to the world that the restrictions like visas, expensive services and restricted areas have to remain in the past.