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Medieval Castle constructed in the XV century by Pierre the Beauvau, Great Chambelain ofthe King Charles the VIl, Chateau du Rivau is an archetype of French end of Middle Ages andbeginning of the Renaissance. Le Rivau is composed of the medieval castle, the RenaissanceBarn and Press and the Royal Stables of King Francis the 1st.The Castle Rivau was recognized Historical Monument by the French State in 1837 and thusprotected.The castle is beautifully furnished with Antiquefurniture, art objects such as antic ceramics andtextile. Contemporary Artist exhibit in a yearly art exhibit. The purpose is to have a dialoguebetween contemporary and medieval art.The 6ha of gardens boast a collection of 250 varieties of Iris, 460 varieties of scented rosesand many vegetables. Rivau Garden are national conservatory of the Fragrant rose(CCVS)and Conservatory of Vegetable. The gardens are organic and the aim isto have a naturalisticapproach to gardening. The gardens of chateau du Rivau are labeled “Remarkable Gardenby the French Ministry of Culture.Gigantic Art Sculptures are present in the gardens and offer a different view on art in anatural and botanicalenvironmentMany activities are organized for tourists, either in groups and for individuals.Castle Rivau is a touristic attraction but also boasts a restaurant with products from the farmand a luxurious hotel.Castle Rivau and Temple of Heaven in Beijing have being working together in a friendlypartnership and we have received them numerous time. We exchange exhibits