Home > Members > Europe-China OBOR Culture and Tourism Development Committee

The need and the willingness to strengthen and expand people-to-people interactions, intercultural dialogue and long-term cultural cooperation have taken a more prominent role in the field of the EU-China relations. It is needless to say that not uniquely the culture but also tourism could open up new horizons, build up new bridges and provide new platforms and bring a fresh cooperative model between the European Union and China.

The One Belt One Road (OBOR) project has a great potential to build new bridges, naturally, in new areas such as culture and tourism, as well.  The EUROPE – CHINA OBOR COMMITTEE aims to capitalize on this new initiative to create a network between European and Chinese partners with great experience in diplomacy, business and politics with a special attention to culture & tourism.

The EUROPE – CHINA OBOR COMMITTEE has the following goals and priorities:

• create and participate in projects with the aim of promoting cultural and tourism cooperation between the EU and China