Home > News > Chairman Duan Qiang Attended and Addressed the Opening Ceremony of the 2020 Shandong Provincial Tourism Development Conference & the 1st China International Cultural Tourism Fair

Chairman Duan Qiang Attended and Addressed the Opening Ceremony of the 2020 Shandong Provincial Tourism Development Conference & the 1st China International Cultural Tourism Fair


On the afternoon of September 16, the opening ceremony of the 2020 Shandong Provincial Tourism Development Conference & the 1st China International Cultural Tourism Fair kicked off in Jinan Olympic Sports Center. Chairman Duan Qiang attended and delivered a speech. Liu Jiayi, Secretary of Shandong Provincial Party Committee, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony, Li Ganjie, Deputy Secretary of Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Governor of Shandong Province presided over the ceremony and Li Qun, Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism, attended and delivered a speech at the opening ceremony.

Chairman Duan Qiang said in his speech, with a long history, profound culture and rich tourism resources, Shandong ranks among the top in China in terms of the overall scale of tourism development. In recent years, Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government attach great importance to tourism development, with the scale, influence and competitiveness of the tourism industry constantly growing. The business cards of “Hometown of Confucius and Mencius” and “Hospitable Shandong” are dazzling and widely known, and the brand image of world-famous cultural tourism destinations is further highlighted. The tourism development conference held in Shandong showed not only the great potential of cultural tourism, but the promising prospect of cultural tourism development. WTA will actively support the tourism development of Shandong’ Province, and deepen cooperation with it in product development, image publicity, marketing, international exchanges and other aspects, so as to help Shandong Province further expand the development space of tourism, accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading, and jointly create a new situation of high-quality tourism development.

At the opening ceremony, Rasim LJAJIĆ, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of Serbia, Zhu Shanzhong, Executive Director of UNWTO, Ruan Chongqing, Director General of Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, Anna Gallo, Vice-President of the Council of Brittany, France, Yutassa, Director of the National Tourism Bureau of Thailand, and Yang Moo Seung, Honorary Mayor of Tourism in Seoul, South Korea, sent congratulatory videos to the conference.

Themed on “Integrated Development of Culture and Tourism, Hospitable Shandong Welcomes You”, this conference is the highest-profile and largest cultural tourism thematic event in Shandong Province this year. It will focus on the exhibition and sales of cultural tourism products and the promotion of cultural tourism activity experience and cultural tourism routes, showcase the new image of “Hospitable Shandong, Hometown of Confucius” in an all-round way, further stimulate cultural and tourism consumption, boost tourism growth and recovery, and inject new impetus for maintaining steady growth and expanding domestic demand.